Blog Never Changing BUSINESS Will Eventually Destroy You

Never Changing BUSINESS Will Eventually Destroy You

I Actually Never Changing BUSINESSS like better than that is basically just using  ounces of orange oil to gallon of water and that works really well as an insecticide so you canagain you

I Actually like that orange oil and water better than the cooking oil but you knows what you got so last thing is uh epsom salts so you know for those of you that have grown tomatoes maybe you’ve had .

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A problem with blossom end rot or something like that and you know it also occurs on other vegetables and stuff but most people see it on tomatoes most of the time it’s a problem due to just inconsistent .

Watering you know it getting too wet and then to dry for too long of a time sothen when it does get moisture it’s sending all that moisture to the leaves and really not up to the fruit and it’s a calcium deficiency basically .

What it is so the water and the moisture coming into the plant is getting redirected to the leaves instead of the fruit and then the water is what carriesthat calcium up to the fruit so you know the best way to prevent it is you.

Know constant watering if you use those self watering containers that I made another video you know you won’t really have that issue with water but you could also still run it into blossom end rot so Basically .

You know before you plant before you get ready to plant your Tomatoes I just kind of prepare my soil by you know adding a handful of epsom salts a handful of just a good organic fertilizer and you know .

Water that andlet that kind of soak in the soil you know a month or two before I get ready to plant you know I used a little handful this when

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